Monday, March 21, 2016

VIVERE - The proposal to make Philadelphia the Energy Hub of the east coast is a bad deal!

Vivere - to live. It is also the name of an ostentatious yacht owned by Philadelphia Energy Solutions CEO Philip Rinaldi.

Expanding their operations and making Philadelphia a petrochemical manufacturing import/export hub is not a good deal for the citizens of Philadelphia. The companies involved belong to an opportunistic religion where not making maximum profit is the greatest sin. They have mastered the art of externalizing costs to the poorest and least represented.

Strip bare your ego
And be sincere
Your boat is a tanker
Her name, VIVERE.


1 comment:

  1. Better yet, keep your self clothed,
    Pack up and go home.
    Your yacht is a hearse,
    To the oceans, black with foam.

    I love this artwork, and I am glad that you are aware of the grave planning that is going on to further pollute Philly. With all that is going right here, this refinery stands to ruin all our progress.

    There is a meeting about this tomorrow, Monday April at Hawthorne Cultural Center in Bella Vista:

    Any way to buy a print or get this great artwork on a t-shirt?? (i.e. cafepress quick and easy)
    Thanks for your amazing artwork around the city, always a big fan!
